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Monday, June 13, 2011

Changing Moments

Life's changing yet again. Till now I was a student, and now it's time for me to turn into a professional.Well, I am joining Juniper Networks India as an Engineer 1 in July, 2011. Life's changing yet again!

Today when I reached office, I couldn't find any place to sit first of all. Well, my place had been moved! I was at a loss as to where to go to find my new place! I started roaming around the floor, with a faint idea to ask one of my colleagues whether she knew where I have been moved to! And then I found it. A cubicle for me :) :) :) Well, that puts an end to my sitting in a conference room with a bunch of other people (some of whom kept shouting all through the day)! Now here are my days of peace lying in front of me. And Preethi's cabin is just across from mine, just as we wanted! Awesomeness in itself!

Well, it's time to change my status from studying to working. Don't know how this change will be, but keeping my fingers crossed under the table. :) One good thing is I will be joining a place I know and will be working with people whom I know and who are most wonderful! That is the best thing about Juniper, here everyone is so friendly and helping (just as I told the HR who came to interview me at my college)! If one has any doubt, any small problem, everyone would give enough time to take you out of that trouble. I hope life would be just great here, with lots of work at office, and lots of studies at home! I love a busy life, and I'm getting into a super-busy one!

Another great thing about this company is that people recognize your work very well! They are always praising you in the highest terms, if you have been able to produce some good results! This is highly inspiring! I am really happy to join this company. I am ready to work hard, but I am equally gratified that my work will be recognized. :)


  1. all d best darling!! i knw ull rock it just as u rocked ur study life!! :) :)
